Sunday, April 29, 2012

Best travel apps for Android

Best travel apps for Android

Traveling to faraway places or to enchanted lands is a breathtaking experience.
But, with each new experience comes some problems. You might get directions that
lead you to the wrong locations or you might struggle with the language
barrier.If you are tired of going around metropolitan cities, asking for
directions or carrying out a map, [...]

This is a preview of 'Best travel apps for Android' you can read the full post

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, great blog! I read the entire article you linked but didn’t see a place there to comment, so thought I’d swing back by. As a loyal and dedicated Android user I love articles like this, and as an avid traveler, I’ve come to appreciate them even more. While I have some old favorites on that list like Kayak and Tripit, I found Wikitude to be an amazing new app. I was recently in Rome and used it over there, much to my delight. It’s one of the few apps that, instead of just helping you book a trip or catch a flight, enhances your actual interaction with the destination around you. Besides that my other favorite app is one I got through my job at Dish. I should preface this by saying I for as much as I love to travel, I hate to fly. It just stresses me out and I end up unable to stop thinking about it, and all the horrible things that could happen, from losing my luggage or sitting next to a screaming kid to the plane falling out of the sky. With this remote access app from Dish I can pull live or recorded TV off my receiver at home and watch it on my phone or tablet, which for me has been, very nearly literally, a lifesaver. For the first time ever, after downloading it, I was able to actually enjoy a flight instead of spending every second in a full-body muscle-clinch of total fear and stress. Because of that, I’ve been able to travel so much more, and virtually stress free. Highly recommended!